Monday, August 3, 2009

My Little Niece.
Okay, quick little history lesson.
My brother Neil has a daughter Maliyah who lives in Chicago.
She is 2 years old. He goes to Chicago once a month to spend time with her.
This weekend she made her first airplane trip to Kansas City. Neil went and traveled with her. We were so blessed to have her visit!

You learn so much when you spend time with a 2 year old. I am sure everyone with kids knows this very well... But I don't have any, so bare with me as I talk about my enjoyment. Life is about such simpler things. No stress of clients and emails. Just how many fun things can we get into before I fall asleep!
My mom brought down a box from her closet, and Maliyah noticed it from across the room. It had pictures of kids on it... and bright colors. "WHAT'S THAT?!" "GMA I WANT THAT!"
She started clapping in excitement immediately when she saw it! A TENT!
We spent the next hour incorrectly puting together a tent for two excited toddlers! "DADDY LOOK I'M IN A TENT!" Hours of enjoyment followed soon after. Nothing to do in the tent.... but man how exciting it was to be in a tent! On to swings, and puppies, and pizza, and even Minnie Mouse jammies. Time with my niece was a blast! Just what I needed in a life of self-centeredness... a break from myself!

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